Free Rainbow Table Torrents

September 20th, 2012 by admin in cracking, Files

Have alot of hard drive space and alot of bandwidth? Need to crack and 8character or less MD5,NTLM,LM,SHA1 password? here’s a list of torrents that you can download for free. Happy Cracking!

Hashcat v0.30

December 27th, 2009 by Dev Team in cracking, Files

A new multi-platform password cracking tool hashcat was just released publicly.
Tested on XP, Win7, Gentoo, Debian

The main features of hashcat are:

* It is free.
* Native binaries for Linux and Windows.
* Multi-threaded.

l0phtcrack is back

June 2nd, 2009 by Dev Team in cracking, Files, windows

Three years after Symantec pulled the plug on L0phtcrack, the tool for auditing and cracking windows passwords is back. It was pulled from the market in late 2005 shortly after Symantec acquired @stake, @stake took control of the rights a year or so earlier when it merged with L0pht. With a price starting at $295, will it live up to it’s name when the market has many freeware options to choose from?

L0phtcrack team member Christien Rioux says the features such as scheduling and a dashboard that simplifies the process of disabling users with weak passwords makes the program stand out. “There are a number of enterprise administrative features that make the product worth it for organizations that are doing this on a regular basis,” he said. “It’s been a very long time that this has been out there. The benefit is that we’ve had the opportunity to interact and fix [customer] issues and take [in] their concerns.”

The $295 Professional versions includes:

  • Password assessment
  • Password recovery
  • Dictionary support
  • Hybrid support
  • Brute force support
  • International character support
  • Wizard-based GUI
  • Password quality scoring
  • Remediation
  • Windows & Unix support
  • Executive reporting
  • Remote system scans
  • 500 User Accounts (Professional Version)

Chalk up another $300 for the admin version and it gives you support for

  • Unlimited accounts
  • Pre-computed hash (rainbow) table support
  • Assessment scheduling

AIM Recover

March 26th, 2009 by Dev Team in AIM, Files, Our Tools

AOL Instant Messenger Password Recovery Software easily recovers and exposes all lost or forgotten AIM saved passwords. Easily retrieves password information instantly regardless of the password length and complexity with full support to all AIM 6.x versions. AIM Recover is written in pure assembly language.

AIM 6.x (6.5 & beta 6.8) uses 2 algorithms to encrypt your AIM password. First the Blowfish algorithm is used to encrypt the AIM password using a 448 bit keyword.
The encrypted string is then encoded using base64 and stored in the registry at:
\\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\America Online\AIM6\Passwords

Software Requirements

  • Processor: Pentium class or equivalent processor
  • RAM: 64MB RAM recommended
  • Hard Disk: 15kb free hard disk space
  • Supported Operating System: Windows 98/ ME/ NT/ 2000/ 2003/ XP/ Vista /Win7

Trial and registration

Evaluation version is available for FREE download. This unregistered (demo) software recovers only the first 3 characters in password (rest is shown as ‘*’).

Download Aim Recover Demo

[downloadcounter(AimRecover)] downloads

In order to display full Password you should register for licensed Software.
Only $4.99!! All proceeds go to supporting this site!

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Scanning Your Network for Default Passwords

October 13th, 2008 by admin in Files, Password Info

Midnight Research Labs has just published a new tool. Depant will scan your network and check to see if services are using default passwords. It starts by performing an Nmap scan to discover available services on the network. It organizes these services by speed of response. Using Hydra it does brute force password checking of these services with a default password list. The user can supply an alternate list for the first phase or an additional list to be used in a followup check. Depant has many different options for configuring your scan and will certainly help you find that rogue piece of hardware on your network that someone failed to set up securely.

IE Recover 1.0

September 27th, 2008 by admin in Files, News, Our Tools, Password Info, windows

When you visit website ftp site in Internet Explorer version 4.x-6.x and you choose the “Remember password” when you login, the password is saved in the Protected Storage in the registry, and this utility can recover it.

The Protected Storage information is saved in a special location in the Registry. The base key of the Protected Storage is located under the following key: “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Protected Storage System Provider”
You can browse the above key in the Registry Editor (RegEdit), but you won’t be able to watch the passwords, because they are encrypted. Also, some passwords data are hidden by the operating system.

IE Recover

We are releasing a Demo version of IE Recover that recovers the first 3 characters of your password.

Download IE Recover Demo

[downloadcounter(IERecover)] downloads

The full version is available for $4.99 that shows the complete password.
Built in pure Assembly language this program is only 7kb and fits perfectly on a thumbdrive to carry with you anywhere.

Help support this site by purchasing it ,so we can continue to off you the latest password recovery info.

You can purchase through paypal or e-gold from the links below. Thank you.

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Free ‘Trojan-Proof’ Password Tool Released for Windows

September 22nd, 2008 by Dev Team in Files, News, Password Info, windows

A trio of German software firms claims to have developed a password system that prevents Trojans and viruses from stealing passwords from a Windows machine.

The “Trojan-proof” virtual keyboard software, which was developed by Global IP Telecommunications, PMC Ciphers, and CyProtect AG, is available in a free beta version for download.

“This development can make input of PIN codes and transaction numbers for online banking completely safe in the near future,” said C.B. Roellgen, creator of the password dialog and CTO of PMC Ciphers, in a statement.

SamRape 2.1

July 16th, 2008 by Dev Team in Files, News, Our Tools, Password Info, windows

Lost your password for NT,2K,XP,2K3?
illwill from created a DOS based floppy that you can boot with that will mount an ntfs drive and extract the SAM hashes from an NT based system. You can then use any cracking software or free hash cracking sites to recover your lost password.

Router Passwords

June 12th, 2008 by Dev Team in Files, Wireless

Having trouble remembering the default password to the router you setup and never changed any settings to because “it worked so i left it alone”? Well here’s a continuously updated list of default passwords.

TrillianView 1.0

March 31st, 2008 by Dev Team in Files, News, Our Tools, Trillian

TrillianView demo version is now available for download . This version will recover all your Trillian Messenger screen names and only the first 3 letters of your password. If you would like to purchase the full version for $4.99 USD , which shows the complete password, you can do so by choosing paypal or e-gold for payments in the links below.


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