Scanning Your Network for Default Passwords
Midnight Research Labs has just published a new tool. Depant will scan your network and check to see if services are using default passwords. It starts by performing an Nmap scan to discover available services on the network. It organizes these services by speed of response. Using Hydra it does brute force password checking of these services with a default password list. The user can supply an alternate list for the first phase or an additional list to be used in a followup check. Depant has many different options for configuring your scan and will certainly help you find that rogue piece of hardware on your network that someone failed to set up securely.
on October 14th, 2008 at 4:12 am
do you know your blog is listed on this blackhat site?
on February 1st, 2009 at 7:10 pm
I will appreciate if you provide more details on this. Thanks.