Hashcat v0.30

December 27th, 2009 by Dev Team in cracking, Files

A new multi-platform password cracking tool hashcat was just released publicly.
Tested on XP, Win7, Gentoo, Debian

The main features of hashcat are:

* It is free.
* Native binaries for Linux and Windows.
* Multi-threaded.

* Supports the following hashes:

* MD5
* md5($pass.$salt)
* md5($salt.$pass)
* md5(md5($pass))
* md5(md5(md5($pass)))
* md5(md5($pass).$salt)
* md5(md5($salt).$pass)
* md5($salt.md5($pass))
* md5($salt.$pass.$salt)
* md5(md5($salt).md5($pass))
* md5(md5($pass).md5($salt))
* md5($salt.md5($salt.$pass))
* md5($salt.md5($pass.$salt))
* md5($username.0.$pass)
* md5(strtoupper(md5($pass)))
* SHA1
* sha1($pass.$salt)
* sha1($salt.$pass)
* sha1(sha1($pass))
* sha1(sha1(sha1($pass)))
* MySQL4.1/MySQL5
* MD5(WordPress)
* MD5(phpBB3)
* MD5(Unix)
* SHA-1(Base64)
* SSHA-1(Base64)

* Supports the following attacks:

* Straight-Words Attack
* Combination-Words Attack
* Toggle-Case Attack
* Brute-Force Attack

* All Attack-Modes except Brute-Force can be extended by Hybrid-Attack rules.
* Hybrid-Attack engine is mostly compatible with JTR / PasswordsPro.
* Possible to resume or limit session.

It also has some special features:

* Automatically recognizes already recovered hashes from outfile at startup.
* Automatically generate random rules for Hybrid-Attack.
* Load hashlist that include more than 3 million hashes of any supported type at once.
* Load saltlist from external file and then use them in a Brute-Force Attack variant.
* Able to work in an distributed environment.

There are some more things you should know:

* You can specify multiple wordlists and also multiple directories of wordlists.
* Number of threads can be configured.
* Threads run on lowest priority.

Get It Here: hashcat

2 Responses to ' Hashcat v0.30 '

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  1. GimselCarinsel said,

    on April 29th, 2010 at 6:28 pm

    Wrong link, get the latest version here:

  2. Dev Team said,

    on May 9th, 2010 at 11:35 pm

    fix link thnx

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