Most popular Passwords

September 16th, 2008 by Dev Team in News, Password Info

common passwords
In the current publishing of August 2008, Government Computer News (GCN) lists the 10 most popular passwords. The source is the CTO of Advanced System Technology, Jon Kibler. Mr. Kibler analyzed the statistical distribution of passwords among 76,900 user accounts and found that 240 passwords were used more than once, while 35 had been used more than 3 times. 5 phrases were used more than 100 times.

The most popular passwords (Top 10) are:
Word / Count
123456 | 1,858 times
password | 1,482
passwd | 139 times
test | 129 times
test123 | 127 times
Blank (no password) 42 times
Admin | 29 times
root | 24 times
qwerty | 23 times
12345 | 23 times
Via: Government Computer News

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  1. youssef said,

    on November 2nd, 2008 at 11:52 pm

    Thanks for this – great idea.

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