Logon Windows7 Automatically

July 26th, 2009 by Dev Team in windows


Windows 7 Auto Login/Logon was disabled by default. To log on Windows 7 automatically, you can easily configure it even though you are not a computer expert. Continue for the steps:

1) Click “Windows” or “Start” button, on the Search dialog box, type “netplwiz“, and then press Enter (or Return, or whatever you call it.)

2) Highlight the User Name that you want to use to log on the system automatically, then uncheck “User must enter user name and password to use this computer“, which is checked by default in Windows 7. And then, click “Apply“.


3) In “Automatically Log On” Windows, enter your password twice so Windows 7 would remember it for next logon.


4) Click “OK” to exit the settings.

Reboot your Windows 7 machine and auto login in Windows 7 should be activated, without asking the annoying password every time. Please keep in mind that by disabling the password feature also decreases the security level for your Windows 7 system. Only do this if you do not share a computer with other users.

4 Responses to ' Logon Windows7 Automatically '

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  1. Dragoncore said,

    on August 7th, 2009 at 5:31 am

    You can also use “control userpasswords2” in xp for vista brings up the same window.

  2. Moubai said,

    on August 15th, 2009 at 3:21 am

    control userpasswords2 Work for Seven

  3. Borellus said,

    on August 16th, 2009 at 1:46 pm

    Cheers for this, I would have tried the XP/Vista way as Dragoncore mentioned. I now know how to do it in 7 🙂

  4. GFYM said,

    on September 21st, 2009 at 8:00 am

    Where is “Automatically Log On” ?

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