Bypass iPhone lockscreen with Siri

September 21st, 2014 by admin in Uncategorized

Jose Rodriguez was playing around with an iPhone with iOS 8, and quickly discovered what he saw as a bug: Apple’s voice-activated assistant Siri acting like the worst bouncer ever. In iOS 8, he could activate Siri from the homescreen and she would let him circumvent the lockscreen to post to a person’s Facebook page or look at their notes and call history. No passcode necessary. He posted a demonstration on YouTube.

Kon-Boot 2.4 is out

January 26th, 2014 by admin in Uncategorized

Kon-Boot has updated to version 2.4, which ads the capability to bypass Windows 8/8.1 online account authorization. Definitely worth the price for the time and effort it saves.

Chaos Computer Club breaks Apple TouchID

September 22nd, 2013 by admin in Uncategorized

Using a technique he outlined over 10 years ago, starbug from CCC has broken the biometric lock on the new iPhone.

Reversing – WebEx One-Click Password Storage

July 12th, 2013 by admin in Uncategorized

Cisco’s WebEx is a hugely popular platform for scheduling meetings. You can conduct video and voice calls, screen sharing, and chat through the system. WebEx also provides a One-Click Client that offers standalone meeting scheduling and outlook integration so that users can avoid the Web Portal. This is how to reverse the password


How Your Browser Passwords are Stored

June 23rd, 2013 by admin in Uncategorized

Awesome write on how the major web browsers store your password and how you can recover them on
raidersec’s blog


October 7th, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

One of my friends is trying to raise money for his own D&D type board game on kickstarter so im trying to give a little plug 🙂

OS X Lion bugs allow changing local user passwords and viewing shadow files

September 20th, 2011 by admin in Apple, cracking, News, Privilege Escalation, Uncategorized

The latest version of OS X Lion allows any user to easily change the password of any local account, due to permissions oversights on Apple’s part. The news comes less than a month after another Lion vulnerability that let users bypass LDAP without a password gained notoriety.

Originally reported by Defence in Depth blogger Patrick Dunstan, the root of the newly discovered problem in Mac OS X 10.7 is tied to the user-specific shadow files used in modern OS X platforms. These files are essentially hash databases and contain, among other things, the user’s encrypted passwords. Ideally, they should be accessible only via high-privilege accounts.

According to Dunstan, Apple dropped the ball in terms of how Lion handles privilege. “Whilst non-root users are unable to access the shadow files directly, Lion actually provides non-root users the ability to still view password hash data,” Dunstan wrote. “This is accomplished by extracting the data straight from Directory Services.” Any user can accomplish this trick by simply invoking the directory services listing using the /Search/ path — for example, $ dscl localhost -read /Search/Users/bob (where “bob” is the username). This causes Lion OS X to spew out the contents of Bob’s shadow hash file, including data that can be used to crack Bob’s password with a simple script, such as a Python script written by Dunstan.

Source: Info World

I need a new ride

April 4th, 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

Ducati Diavel ignition starts with password only, with no key. The password is last 4 of VIN on all models.

The new threat

February 12th, 2011 by admin in Apple, cracking, Linux, Privilege Escalation, Uncategorized, windows

Programmable embedded devices have the capability of being detected as a HID device , just like a keyboard or mouse. So if you have physical access and a minute alone you can compromise a system with something the size of your thumb. The possibilities are endless, HTTP/FTP download, injecting binaries into debug or Powershell etc.. Also this device is cross platform which means Windows,Linux,UNIX and Apple are all vulnerable.

Here’s an example project we made for a Windows7 box that adds a new Admin user to the system and hides that user from the logon screen. the whole process takes about 16 seconds , with most of the time taken by the device being detected as a keyboard and the driver installed. The device costs about $20 and can be found here

Gawker Media Hacked

December 12th, 2010 by admin in News, Uncategorized

Outputted into a 500MB torrent file, currently residing on the popular torrent tracker ThePirateBay is a database dump of about a million or so commenters and staff passwords.

Inside the torrent file lies a file entitled Readme.txt. This file is potentially the most sensitive of them all, for it holds the usernames and passwords used by the entire Gawker staff, focusing particularly on Gawker’s founder Nick Denton.

The usernames and passwords to Denton’s Google Apps, Twitter, Campfire accounts are all listed; Denton uses the same password for them all.

Also some gaming sites ftp passwords were stolen too..
gawker gaming

Though all of the passwords were encrypted,simple ones may be vulnerable to a brute-force attack. You should change your Gawker password and on any other sites on which you’ve used the same passwords.

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