5 Easy Steps to Reset WordPress Password

April 6th, 2011 by admin in Password Info

These steps use phpMyAdmin and the WordPress database to reset your password.

Step 1: Go to your Website Control Panel and open phpMyAdmin.


Step 2: While in phpMyAdmin, select your WordPress Database and select the wp_users table, (this is the table that holds all of your usernames)

WordPress Database Tables

Step 3: Select your username from the list and click the EDIT icon.

Choose your username

Step 4: The WordPress stores users passwords in the encrypted MD5 format, so to change our password we must first encrypt it into a MD5 hash.
If you are on linux you can do a quick command of:

md5sum <<<“MyPassword789456321$#”

or you can go to Enter your new password and hit “Encrypt it!“. Copy the generated MD5 hash code and go back to the EDIT user page which you opened in Step 3 and paste the MD5 hash in the “user_pass” box and click “Go“.

Paste the MD5 Hash Code

Now, your WordPress Admin Password should be changed.
Go to and login with your new password.

One Response to ' 5 Easy Steps to Reset WordPress Password '

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  1. mubix said,

    on April 7th, 2011 at 6:11 pm

    running: echo -n mypassword | md5sum on a linux box is a bit better than putting your password in an online md5 generator. (Yes, I’m paranoid)

    And updating your password via SQL commands would probably be better than having phpMyAdmin installed and having to keep it up to date (again, paranoid I know)

    just sayin’ I know it’s not as user friendly a way to do it, but the gremlins will get you if you don’t do it the paranoid way. 😉

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